alternate interpretations

Alabama Wood Sculpture.jpg

Alabama Wood Sculpture

Original Label by Colleague

The “Alabama A”, the phrase “Roll Tide Roll”, and woodworking are all things you will commonly find within a standard home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama; this singular object exhibits all three. This object currently resides within the home of an older man who, by southern standards, would be considered a good, hardworking man, someone who goes to work early in the morning and comes home late in the evening to a home cooked meal. The “Alabama A” represents not only football, but a city-wide community that most people belong to.

Alternate Label by Brad Hawkins

Folk art meets pop culture in this carving of the State of Alabama overlaid with the University of Alabama’s logo.  Crafted from a single slab of oak, the sculpture reflects an appreciation of woodworking craft along with pride in one’s home state.   The superimposition of the vivid logo projects the support and affection for the University, and participation in the local community, in a rustic style. Originally located in the owner’s living room, the piece announces to visitors a major part of the owner’s identity and has sparked multiple friendly rivalries.